Posted on Saturday, July 6th, 2013 at 2:21 am

Over the past week, my workouts have consisted of plenty of cardio, swimming, and arm wrestling. Yea, that last one may seems a little weird, but arm wrestling is one heck of an upper body workout – if you know what you're doing.
I had the honor of arm wrestling Joyce Boone (one of the best female pullers in NY), as well a couple of pros at the training session, which was no different than versing a wall. I take arm wrestling pretty seriously, so hopefully I too can become that proverbial wall.
Swimming is always a fantastic workout. It made me realize that even though I can run a few miles, doing a few laps in the pool had me completely drained with my heart pounding a million beats a second. With that said, I need to figure out how I can start swimming more...
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Posted In: Health & Fitness
Posted on Friday, June 28th, 2013 at 12:30 am

Today's workout consisted of light upper body weight lifting, and some major cardio work. Due to my work schedule, these workouts occur separately throughout the day. Kettle bell at work, cardio in the evening, pull-ups to finish it all off.
Using a 20 pound kettle bell, I worked on biceps, triceps, lower back, lats, traps, and shoulders. I did 1 to 2 sets of each of these workouts just to kick things in for what's to come. Later in the day...
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Posted In: Health & Fitness
Posted on Monday, June 24th, 2013 at 10:30 pm

That treacherous Arctic Enema. Nothing else scares the crap out of me more than the Arctic Enema. There's something about being engulfed freezing ice cold water that absolutely terrifies me. The shock, the sting, the burning sensation from the heatless* water taking your form! I'm gonna start taking cold showers, and maybe even work my way up to ice-filled baths! Yes. No limits.
I need to start obstacle training... Cardio alone just ain't gonna cut it for too much longer. As a results, I need another pair of shoes – this time for trail running. I've got a long road ahead of me with not too much time to go. October 13, 2013 is creepin' up real good! My activity overview after the jump...
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Posted In: Health & Fitness
Posted on Thursday, June 20th, 2013 at 12:32 pm

A couple of days ago I registered to participate in the October 2013 Tough Mudder event in New Jersey. I am super excited! I have never done anything like this, but always wanted to. I love physical challenge, especially when it forces me off my behind and makes me crave energy, adrenaline, and performance!
I considered today to be day 01 of my training. Starting out light. Pushing my cardio by running up many flights of stairs, pushups and pull-ups, leg raises on the Iron Gym, and some good 'ol stretching. The new Adidas Marathon shoes will start serving me well when I get back into running and sprinting – possibly starting tomorrow.
Also considering joining a free-reign gym, one where people go for Parkour, Gymnastics, Capoeira, and more. Improving natural strength that benefits you when traversing harsh terrain is more important than lifting heavy weights and drinking protein shakes. I'm after lean muscle development, toning, and losing approximately 15 to 20 lbs. of excess body fat. The stronger I get, and the more weight I shed, my power-to-weight strength ratio will jump even higher. More after the jump...
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Posted In: Health & Fitness