You're probably very familiar with this new "30 Day Challenge" trend that's been going on lately. After watching the mini TED talk by Matt Cutts, I decided that it's time that I joined in on the fun! However... I don't know what to do, so I need your suggestions.

Things I am doing well in...

  1. Not a caffeine addict – I don't drink soda or coffee often.
  2. Rarely watch TV.
  3. Keep meals relatively healthy – junk food a couple of times a month.
  4. Always research and read interesting things (but no action).
  5. I work out semi-regularly by playing handball, jogging, etc.

Things I am not doing so well in...

  1. Practicing necessary coding and web design techniques, etc.
  2. Learning a new language (Spanish, etc).
  3. Working on personal projects that've been on hold for years.
  4. Writing tutorials for this blog.
  5. Photography.
Fire away, people! Comments section is open for  business!