Twitter LogoTwitter has grown into a massive communication platform, and businesses are heavily utilizing its powers of customer engagement and reach. There is, however, a problem.

As a web developer/designer, most of the accounts I follow are of my peers in the industry, professionals I look up to, and a huge number of companies providing products and services that interest me. The problem here is that everything mashed into a single timeline. All updates from individuals, companies, products, and services, in one big scrollable page... is unmanageable.

Sure, Twitter has lists, but it's not accessible. It's hidden under the 'settings' menu. When you do get to it, you're presented with a list of your lists. I have a bunch of lists that I've created, but I never go to them because nothing pulls me towards it. There's no UX to easily filter between individual, company, product, and service accounts. What's the solution?

Twitter can implement a highly tuned interface, customizable to fit the consumption needs of any user. Here are some possible variations:

  • Multi-column: Display multiple columns of tweets – something Twitter is more than familiar with since their acquisition of TweetDeck.
  • Tabs: A solution to the common UX problem of organizing/separating data into smaller and more consumable (relevant!) chunks.
  • Modes: Switching between usage "modes" can be extremely effective. Example modes of consumption: Friends/Family, Professionals (based on your interests, field of work, etc), Products/Services, News, Celebrities, Hobbies (intelligently catered to your chosen interests such as movies, music, food, traveling, comedy).

Basically, this would require Twitter to get REALLY smart about how we/users consume Tweets. I follow over 1700 accounts on Twitter. When going through my timeline, I only only view a tiny smidgen of all the Tweets that I'd actually be interested in, all because Tweets aren't categorized.

Categorized views of Tweets are also beneficial because users can aid in their curation, alongside an intelligent recommendation system. My preferences can then be repurposed for other users with similar characteristics, and vice versa. Data science FTW!

With that said, follow me on Twitter!