Well, it's that time of the year again where we all stop and think about the stuff we'd like to accomplish in the upcoming year. Looking back to December 31, 2008, I was madly excited about the year and the amount of things I was going to achieve. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out the way I would have liked them to (even though 2008 itself was great!).

Not to give an excuse for only completing 20% of the 2009 to-do list, but College work was harder this year than any other semester, period. Any normal person would've gone mad while going through the things I did. I hated it with all my guys, but now it's all good - and I love it!

2010 will be a very interesting part of my life as I am graduating in June, and the rest of the year will be dedicated to job hunting and working... full time (whoah!). Getting through the final semester will be a pain in the ass FOR SURE. A friend of mine went through it and has now graduated. I will be following his footsteps in no time.

I am also thankful for having travelled to Israel this year and seeing family members I haven't seen since I was a baby. It was a great experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Unfortunately, I wanted to travel to another location in the world (goal was 2 for 2009) but it didn't happen.

This year, I am going to make 2 resolution lists instead of one, simply because some things take priority over others. The 1st list contain all of the important developmental things I will set out to achieve. The 2nd list will list things that I should always be keeping in mind, like going to sleep on time instead of writing blog posts 5:30 in the morning!

Here are some of the things that will be on the lists:

  1. Further develop my programming skills. PHP, MySQL, JavaScript (jQuery), ActionScript, etc.
  2. Learn mobile web and web app development. Creating mobile phone optimized sites is insanely important!
  3. Write tutorials for this blog! Too bad this didn't happen in 2009. I love teaching.
  4. Start doing Icon Design. This is something I've always wanted to do. I LOVE symbols!
  5. Work on personal projects! There are at least 4 projects in the works, and 2010 should be the year where it all comes to life!
  6. Start earning money from what I do online. I think it's time to start earning a profit from all of my online activity. This means placing ads on this blog, which everyone tells me to do!
  7. Graduate. This will mark a major milestone in my life. The final semester will be tough, but I am ready for anything!

So, what about you, guys? It's a brand new decade! What do you wish to accomplish in 2010?