Landline Phone - Soon to be obsolete?Not long ago I was looking back at how things used to be in my household, and how things are now. One thing I can say is that things have definitely changed! Before the time when we all got cellphones, "getting the phone" was the most exciting thing - Now, it's the opposite. Nobody wants to pick up when it rings, and it's always passed on to someone else when there's a misc. number on the caller ID.

You know, landline phones were once considered one of the greatest inventions in history because of how it permitted people from all over the world to communicate at will, albeit at cost. Now, it looks like the second greatest invention has taken over - the cellphone. Now, I'm not against the growth and domination of cellphones over landline phone, but I'm just simply recognizing the change that has occurred so seamlessly.

There have been some companies out there that have attempted to make cellphones feel like landline phones by creating "docks" for the home where minutes won't be used up and so forth. I'm just curious though, will landline phones ever be completely replaced by mobile phones at some point in the future, or will it be one of those things that just lives on forever?