Everywhere you look, you find people complaining about things that change; Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Applications, and so forth, but rarely do they ever do anything about it. In fact, in most cases (with the exception of Digg), time spent on them increases.

Every time Facebook changes its layout, everyone and their grandmas throw a tantrum, complaining about how they want the old layout back. A week goes by, and it's as if nothing happened at all. They're still using Facebook with all of the same features, if not more. After all, Facebook spends millions creating the optimal interface (at least I hope they do) for an increase of addictiveness.

A few months ago, Twitter drastically underwent a major interface overhaul. As per usual, a ton of people complained saying it was too complicated, slow, etc. Well, has Twitter reported a loss of user activity? Nope. An increase of user activity? Yep...

My point here is this; I think most people secretly, subconsciously love change. Our extroverted personalities show that we are so protective of things, especially when we've developed comfort with them. When this comfort is stripped from us, we get scared and start complaining, but we also become adventurous at the same time! We start learning new things, discovering features, and finding reasons to like something.

We, as humans, are born to be naturally curious creatures. We also happened to be pretty damn good at learning and adapting to change. One can argue on the contrary, but that would then get into many unrelated aspects of why people fear change. Habituation of a linear and non-changing lifestyle is one of them (I know this because my family is so).

So, to softly reiterate my point, I stand by the ground that, because our nature is to learn and adapt (primitively, for survival), we subconsciously like change, even in the little things in life (like Facebook!). This is not an argument against people complaining and demanding what's right, but rather, an encouragement! We must honestly think about our emotions, why we feel the way we do, and how to progressively and positively advance.